1. Report Settings
Castaway offers you the flexibility to apply several different settings to your Reports so that you're able to build and design the Report that is best suited to your Reporting needs.
Each Report may have different settings enabled or disabled (depending on the Report type) but this article will guide you on the report settings you work with.
When applying any of these changes to your reports, don't forget to click on Save Settings before moving on to another workspace to Save all the adjustments you've applied.
2. Change Date Ranges and Reporting Periods
There are two ways to change the date ranges of your reports:
- Click on the Calendar icon to change your From and To months of your Reports
- Click on the dropdown arrow to change your report dates to a specific Financial or Calendar Year
3. Change what you're Reporting On
Click on the dropdown arrow to change what your Report is Reporting On. You have the option between Projected, Budget, and Forecast. The Projected Report is the Report layer that displays the latest set of values which include Actuals Imported and your most updated forecast numbers. For more information on the difference between Budget and Forecast and what they mean, refer to THIS page.
4. Change Report Display Columns
Select between Mth, Qtr and/or Yr in the Toolbar to Report on Months, Quarters and/or Years. You can select just one option or all three, the decision is entirely up to you.
- Mth will report each individual month within your selected Date Range
- Qtr will report the Total of every Financial Year Quarter within your selected Date Range
- Yr will display the Total of each Financial Year in your selected Date Range
5. Change Report View Settings
Click on View to launch a number of report view settings you can choose from to Customise your reports:
- Display level: Allows you to set the level of your report; Collapse All if you only want high-level numbers or Expand All to get all the details in your report
- Show Zero Rows: Displays all rows including accounts that have no values in them
- Show Total: Insert a column at the end of your report that totals the monthly values within your Date Range
- Negatives in Red: Display your Negative values in Red to draw attention to them
- Rounding: Determine how rounded you want your report values to appear
Another way you can adjust your report's display level is by clicking on the arrow of your report header to collapse or expand a certain section. This gives you more control over how you'd like to present your report.
6. Edit Rows
Select Edit Rows on the left corner of your Reports to activate your Report Editor. When your Editor is active, there are several actions that can be made:
Edit/add formula: This allows you to Add your own Formula or Edit existing ones. For more information on formulas and how they work in Castaway please check out Formulas In Reports
Selecting the pencil icon will open the selected Element in the Forecast workspace so you can adjust or reforecast from the Report
Using the eye symbol, you can hide or unhide certain in-built lines in your report
Once you've made your changes, Select Close Editor to close the mini panel.
Closing the Editor will not Save any changes you've made in Edit mode. You'll need to Save Settings to Save the work done.
7. Add or Remove Page Breaks
You can also Add and Remove page breaks in the report by right-clicking on the line below where you'd like to Insert/Remove the Page Break.
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