The short answer is no.

A slightly longer answer is... We will always recommend you start your Castaway Cloud files fresh. However, we acknowledge there is some repetitive-type work that may be able to be converted to cloud files and we are working on a potential solution now. 

Rationale for the No Vote

We have pondered this process for several years. Initially thinking it would be an excellent feature to offer our existing customers.

Then two things happened:

  1. The technology available to engineer Castaway Cloud offered feature options that were never available for desktop products, and
  2. Our philosophy about forecasting changed as we started to see new future possibilities with Cloud.

Castaway Cloud is a new product, with new functionality and new features, delivered to you much differently than Castaway Desktop. 

The initial release of Castaway Cloud already has functionality and features not available in Castaway Desktop. Therefore, converting any current data and modelling work will only be partially satisfying and  incomplete.

We recommend the files you build in Castaway Cloud are built from the fundamentals, from the start. Everything from the set-up, GL integration. mapping and modelling should be started fresh to ensure you are aware of how the file is built in the new software.

Having said this, our team are working on an efficient conversion workflow which may enable the conversion of the Chart of Accounts, to save you some time. This workaround may become available for customers who transition from Castaway Desktop to Castaway Cloud.

Please transition to Castaway Cloud only when you are ready, and you've considered all implications of the transition and file management.

Pleas note that converting Castaway Cloud files to Castaway Desktop will never be an option.