The Castaway Team take cybersecurity very seriously.

Indeed, all of our engineering and operations policy decisions have been made with an information security and cybersecurity focus.

No doubt, our customer organisations have determined solid communication and information security processes and these will be in place to protect you.

How do I know if an email is legitimately from Castaway?

Emails from Castaway about your account will always come from an address that ends in Check that the email address is correctly spelled. As an example, it should not be from any of the following:


If the email links to a suspicious third-party website, or is one that you don't recognise, do not click it. To be extra safe, always reach out to our Customer Success team to confirm the authenticity of the email.

If you've accidentally clicked on the link, do not proceed, and do not enter any of your personal information on the website. Report the suspicious email, link or activity, via your security team, to our Castaway Cybersecurity contact (Details below).

Contacting Castaway

Should you suspect any communication purporting to be from Castaway Team to be suspicious, you must follow your own internal processes first. Your security team will reach out to us for clarification or assistance as required. 

Our contact details are:

C/- Castaway CISO

Ph: +61 2 9569 7144
