Castaway Cloud allows you to invite trusted members of your company or firm to your Organisation account.

Organisation Owners (or "Org Owners") are the individuals responsible for the account and with whom, Castaway has the commercial (or evaluation) relationship. Ideally, it is the Org Owner who first sets up the Organisation account in Castaway.

Within your Organisation, there are 3 options for invited Users. Each of these User types has different permissions and access rights:

Organisation Owner ("Org Owner") - The Org Owner has the highest organisation administration/ reporting functions and is also responsible for maintaining the commercial relationship and subscription, including billing, with our company. Theoretically anyone in the Organisation can set up a Castaway Cloud subscription (themselves or on behalf of the resultant Org Owner), only the Org Owner can cancel subscriptions

Administrator - Administrators can manage Groups, Projects and Brands and can assign and manage roles for Analysts. Administrators do not have access to Organisation account and subscription management. Administrators can manage Invited Users (Guests)

Analyst - Analysts can access and manage Groups, Projects and Brands. Analysts cannot manage other Users or any aspect of the Organisation or account. Analysts cannot manage Invited Users (Guests).

Inviting External users, those not from within your company, is handled in a separate article HERE.

Steps to invite an Org User

1. In the top right-hand corner of the app (when logged in), click on the person icon and select Manage Account from the drop-down menu


2. Select the tab Users, then click on the Create User button


3. You will be presented with a form to complete. Please complete all fields and select Administrator or Analyst.

Once you have completed the form, the Send Invitation button will be live. Press this and your colleague will be emailed instructions to Register for a Castaway account (if they have not already) or accept the invitation to join your Organisation.

NOTE: Please be aware that invited Org Users have access to ALL projects in the Organisation unless individual projects have Private Project applied. It is assumed they are trusted invitees.

Removing Org Users

Only Org Owners and Admins have the right to remove an Org User.