Multiple users can work on the same project or Consolidation file at the same time.
Collaborative editing of the same file by multiple users is possible and is a common feature in Castaway which can help streamline workflows and improve productivity.
When multiple users are accessing the same online file, the changes made by the last person who saved the file will be the ones that are ultimately reflected in the file. This is because each time a user saves changes to the file, they are overwriting the previous version of the file with their new changes.
In some cases, a user's browser or device may cache a previous version of the file, which can cause them to see outdated data or changes.
Here are some recommended ways to refresh the Castaway project file:
- Move to another workspace: Switching to a different screen in Castaway, such as Forecast, Analysis, or Overview screen, and then returning to the intended screen can force the page to refresh and update the project.
- Move to home page/main screen: Navigating to the main screen (by clicking on the Castaway logo on the top left-hand side of the screen) and then returning to the intended screen can also force a refresh and update the project with any changes made by other users.
- Reload the page: Refreshing the page by clicking the Refresh button or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + R on Windows or Cmd + R on Mac) can force the browser to reload the most up-to-date version of the file.
- Sign out and sign back in: Logging out of the Castaway application and then logging back in can force a refresh of the platform and update the file with any changes made by other users. You can log out by clicking on your User Profile in the top right then selecting Sign Out.
It's important for multiple users working on the same online file to communicate effectively and establish clear guidelines to avoid conflicts and ensure that the file is edited accurately and efficiently.